Guide: What to do if you are holding long term?

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Guide: What to do if you are holding long term?

Guide: What to do if you are holding long term?

So there is a few things people generally don't think about when they hold their crypto long term.

Hold your crypto where you will remember it:

One of the better ways to do this is track it with software like Koinly. This showing you your entire portfolio and if you label things right, then you can at least figure out where you hid your crypto.

This is important because there is many stories of people back in the day buying crypto, putting it on some hardware wallet, forgetting they even have it, and 10 years later remembering they had crypto but forgetting where it is.

Note if you're in a place like USA you need to log in ever year or the exchange might by law liquidate and turn over your value to the state. Yes this is an actual thing and they legally are forced to do this.

UPDATE: this law is called Escheatment

Put your hardware wallet in a safe place which you can easily remember it

Again, we all heard of stories of someone putting their crypto on some hardware wallet and losing it. Maybe it's in some pant's pocket, and they donated the pants or whatever.

There is no reason why the hardware wallet is in your pocket unless you are actively using it to buy goods. Since 99.999999% of us isn't doing this outside of our homes. DON'T KEEP IT IN YOUR POCKET.

The best thing to do is put it in a safe area, but note that if you don't use it after a while the hardware part of it, lack up updates, etc can make it not functional.

You can counter some of this by checking it 1 or 2 times a year to make sure it still works. Or you can save your seed phrase in a safe place.

Make a fire resistance seed phrase kit

This is mine. Basically, take a ton of stainless screw washer bolt, nut. And use basically what you see to tap the seed phrase in. Make sure you number the washers.

Make several and put them in places where you can get them if needed or others will get to them if you die.


We all will die one day. If you don't believe me, try it out and come back if and let me know if you're still around.

Anyways, if you want to give the stuff to your family you need to note your local laws, how exchanges will handle things, and so on. It's always best and easiest for them to deal with hardware wallets because exchanges can be a legal battle.

Something else you will need to keep in mind is they most likely won't know how to handle your crypto. Make a write up.


In the USA we don't have to worry about this unless if you're staking. But some countries you are taxed by just holding. So note this.

submitted by /u/crua9
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