Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Is it worth staking ETH in pools ?

ETH 2.0 has a minimum requirement of 32 ETH which is obviously too much for an individual like me. I am not sure if pools for staking ETH already exist but I am sure that it will. When it does, is it a good idea to stake your ETH in the staking pools ? What…
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US based exchanges trading Raven

What are some trustworthy exchanges that trade ravencoin? Not I want to be able to move my coon around. Thanks for any info you can on the subject. submitted by /u/The_C4RN4G3 [link] [comments]

Market Cap Understanding!

It just blows my mind when some one comes and says that Ravencoin won't reach $1 or $2 cuz of market cap. Take for example ADA (Cardano) has a circulating supply of 32BN and there are still 13BN more to go! Price is $2.5 and they have just passed 1Trillion market cap!! Can you imagine…
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Mining RVN directly into chaintek wallet linked with Trezor

Bought a Trezor and moved my Ravencoin to it using chaintek. Currently mining into ravencore and then will transfer the money but am wondering if you can mine straight into the Chaintek/Trezor wallet? I have read somewhere that there is a problem mining into a hardware wallet but if the wallet is on chaintek then…
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Fuck investing, Almost shat my pants.

submitted by /u/Jero2022 [link] [comments]

Crypto mining needs to be redefined before simply casting it away

To ensure a sustainable future for blockchain and crypto, we need to reimagine the mining process and restructure PoW systems.

Deposits halved?

Recently my daily rvn mined has suddenly been cut in half…. Using the ravenminer pool. The coin isn't suppose to half until Jan 2022. Anyone else experiencing this? submitted by /u/cfreukes [link] [comments]

Don’t invest on advice from reddit people

A broken clock is right twice a day. You could find a good investment, here. But let's be honest – Most people come here either to shill their coins, be funny or repeat the opinion of the community because they bought the opinion of others. 'Buy SOL and ADA, best investment!', yeah i don't think…
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Would Ravencoin still be profitable to mine post-eth?

I am just wondering as a complete newbie to mining and a lot of questions to ask: with the amount of hashrate being redirected to ravencoin post-eth and hence the difficulty rising significantly, taken into context with its current marketcap, rvn wouldn’t be gpu mineable for a profit anymore right? So what’ll happen to ravencoin…
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