Would Ravencoin still be profitable to mine post-eth?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Would Ravencoin still be profitable to mine post-eth?

I am just wondering as a complete newbie to mining and a lot of questions to ask: with the amount of hashrate being redirected to ravencoin post-eth and hence the difficulty rising significantly, taken into context with its current marketcap, rvn wouldn’t be gpu mineable for a profit anymore right? So what’ll happen to ravencoin post eth is similar to a “difficulty bomb” where you won’t be able to mine the coins at a profit but instead mine it, hodl and wait for the value to increase once most retail miners opts to sell their hardware instead, decongest the network and bring the difficulty back down to a profitable level. Is there anything else I’m not taking into account? I’m really trying to get as much info as I can and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s stupid to invest in a mining rig for raven right now unless you find a good value 4gb card that’ll give you an roi of 3-4 months or less

submitted by /u/deepspacehusky
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