Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Find went to a random account despite the fact that I put my wallet addres in there

I mined for several days to come back home and find that the funds are In a random wallet why is this it's really annoying and I cant Figure this out I'm using lolminer and just lost the first pay someone help me? submitted by /u/DizzlesDJ [link] [comments]

Created and Deployed my first Dapp today!

My friend and I deployed our first official NFT contract on a react web3 webpage. The contract allows anyone with a MetaMask wallet to mint a unique mushroom NFT for 0.06ETH. Here is the webpage: We used to deploy the smart contract ( submitted by /u/Designer450 [link] [comments]

Tipping Moons

Every moon distribution I've been around for, I've been diligent in voting on the governance polls. However, I'm learning that I haven't been following up close enough as far as which ones passed or not. I found out yesterday that the poll that would allow us to tip up to 100 moons per distribution cycle…
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My shitcoin gambling adventure broken down..

So my friends, I initially invested an estimated 10bnb into shitcoin fair launches.. This is my story. With over 100 launches in the last 6 months, let me tell you.. I have seen some shit. About 90% of the launches were either rug pull, slow bleed, or a straight up honey pot. (honey pot is…
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What I’ve learned from NFT’s on RVN.

Lets get down to the bare minimum. The Nfts are coins either a main asset(500rvn) subasset(either 100or5rvn). -technical- Then the way they work is they have a limited coin supply. Their IPFS is what the image, gif, 3d model, etc is. Every time you mint the NFT it will cost the respective amounts above. -selling-…
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Analysis of DEX Inflation Via Yield Farming Vs. Token Price

General Conclusion Inflation is not only an important variable in monetary policy in the economy, but also important in crypto. Inflation is the easiest way to fund development. This forces holders to indirectly pay for development through the loss of value or ownership of the token over time to the protocol. Inflation is usually referred…
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Working from home is dangerous

Was lucky enough to get a new job at the start of the year which allows me to work from home pretty much all the time. The only problem with having the flexibility and freedom of working from home, is that I now spend a good portion of the day keeping an eye on crypto…
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Heat problems? Build a grow tent to house your cards!

submitted by /u/A-piece-ofToast [link] [comments]

What is driving the high fees?

Can someone explain to me what is driving these crazy spikes in gas price? How does it work? For example if we look here we can see that gas spiked to 901 gwei recently. What is going on when this happens? Thanks! submitted by /u/JuanOnOne [link] [comments]

Dogecoin Millionaire Says He’s Going ‘All in’ on Cardano — Bullish on Both DOGE and ADA

The dogecoin millionaire who invested all his savings in the meme cryptocurrency early this year says he is now going “all in” on cardano, calling it the “next best bet.” He is bullish on both cryptocurrencies. Dogecoin Millionaire Thinks Cardano Is the ‘Next Best Bet’ Glauber Contessoto, the 33-year-old dogecoin millionaire, told CNBC in an […]