Author: dfmines

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Question about the ETH and DAPPs

Ok, I wish to understand if DAPPs must use ETH to run. For example, can someone create a dapp that is 100% free to use, like open source software is free to use, and the only time that ETH is required is when the code is registered onto the blockchain? (I'm assuming that's how it…
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Countdown Clock! January 11, 2022, at block 2,100,000 RVN inflation drops 50%.

submitted by /u/cryptosperm [link] [comments]

Virtual Land Adjacent to Snoop Dogg’s Sandbox Estate Sells for $450K in Ethereum

The popular American rapper Snoop Dogg revealed at the end of September that he acquired land in the blockchain-based virtual metaverse The Sandbox and had plans to recreate his mansion. On December 2, The Sandbox held a “Snoopverse Land Sale,” which allowed participants to purchase land adjacent to the famous hip hop star’s virtual estate. […]

Guaranteed to at least make your smirk

submitted by /u/Evening-Main-5860 [link] [comments]

Is there a way to buy or transfer tokens from an ERC20 smart contract?

Hey everyone, I've been researching this question for months and all I was able to find anywhere is this: Unfortunately I am fairly new to stack exchange and can't comment or ask a question. So I'm posting here incase someone has the same issue or wants to chime in. This past summer, I followed…
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Etherium coming around today like, “Nah. I was just playin. You know I love y’all!”

submitted by /u/Agelastus [link] [comments]

What does Ravencoin better than Solana or Cardano?

submitted by /u/SaltyHoney8 [link] [comments]

Has btc ever recovered this strong before?

Suddenly a 22% crash has turned in to an 8% dip, has anyone ever seen btc recover like this before? I know btc usually rebounds strong but this seems like it’s on another level, I wonder how the people that panic sold down at 42k are feeling now. Looking at Binance, ETH is down a…
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Nood question about layer 2’s

I understand that ethereum layer 2 solutions are implomenting optimistic rollups solutions and ZK rollups to compact transactions into a bundle thus making gas fees cheaper. Project such as Cartesi are attempting to make ethereum faster and cheaper. But when ethereum inevitably upgrades to proof of stake, won't these layer 2 solutions be obsolete? Cartesi…
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What is the cheapest way to by ETH. MoonPay and Simplex on Trust wallet is not the way?

Enlighten me. Gemini? MetaMask? L2? which one. am i the only one still in the dark ages of High fees on-boarding crypto. submitted by /u/CryptoHobodojo [link] [comments]