Author: dfmines

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Classic !!

submitted by /u/Motor-Neighborhood-5 [link] [comments]

Ripple’s Asia Pacific Business Flourishing Despite SEC Lawsuit, Says CEO

Ripple chief executive officer Brad Garlinghouse said Friday that the company’s business in the Asia-Pacific region has not suffered from the ongoing regulatory issues in the U.S. Ripple’s Business in Asia and Japan Sees Growth Ripple is facing a $1.3 billion lawsuit from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). In December, the SEC charged […]

Crypto Gives Hope To Those Living in Developing Nations

At the start of February this year, a friend of mine mentioned how I could earn $6-7 per day using my GPU. I knew mining is profitable, but I didn't know it would be as simple as just downloading a client and pressing a button. I started mining but I didn't really know how I…
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The World’s Oldest Blockchain Has Been Hiding in the New York Times Since 1995

submitted by /u/Yodel_And_Hodl_Mode [link] [comments]

Resources for “idea people” looking for connections to Dapp builders?

Sorry if this has been asked and answered but with this space growing so rapidly I imagine there are a lot of missed opportunities happening as viable awesome ideas never materialize because they’re held in the brain of someone without any knowledge of how to properly build what needs to be built. Any advice for…
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ADA – My crappy due dilligence

[Disclaimer] Not trying to shill, i'm really impressed with Cardano and I see a huge potential. I just want to share knowledge because a lot of people just buy it on a hunch/shill. Heyo, i've done some research after reading the Ouroboros network paper (The PoS implementation of cardano) and a lot of reading in…
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Tipping My Moon Stack

Hi Crypto Friends, The original intent of reddit moons were to tip an asset to people who posted great content. Once people realized they had real value, an influx of shitposts, memes, and creative writing exercises blew up this subreddit. I personally shitposted a front-page meme and gained a few hundred dollars worth of moons…
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just another meme

submitted by /u/azazino [link] [comments]

Anyone stake using Ankr?

Found this, and was wondering if it was a legit way to stake ETH. I figured out how to do it with a trezor hardware wallet and metamask, but before I was about to stake it looked like I was sending them my ETH. When I did this with ADA I got to keep…
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