Author: dfmines

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Electrum wallet offline….

This is the error I receive from the log file. I'm trying to keep my raven on my hardware wallet address. INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(ConnectionRefusedError(10061, "Connect call failed ('', 50002)"),),) INFO | network | couldn't launch iface — CancelledError() INFO | network | connecting to as new interface …
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eosfinex open-sources access to its core exchange technology

CryptoNinjas » eosfinex open-sources access to its core exchange technology Launched in February 2018 by crypto exchange company Bitfinex, eosfinex announced today that it will open-source access to its core infrastructure and IP; shifting control of the exchange technology from the hands of its founding team to the developer community. The eosfinex EOS smart contract…
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Improvement of gas tariffs on March 15

Well, I recently read in a post on this forum that on March 15 an upgrade to the ETH network would be implemented that would improve the crazy high gas rates we currently have, is this true? submitted by /u/darikbtc [link] [comments]

High ETH fees do not kill adoption, they are adoption

Lot of people in crypto do not see the forest because of the trees. The transaction fees are high because there is overhang of demand to use the technology at the moment. And the technology is so good, users are willing to pay even that much to use it. It just does not keep up…
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Finally, a Neutral Argument on NFTs

submitted by /u/limes_huh [link] [comments]

When you see the likes of not to smart YouTuber (Alex Becker) talk down on Ethereum, know it’s another chance to buy as much as possible

So this guy Alex Becker goes on a rant on his channel, talking down on Eth stating he has reduced his position in ETh drastically . There's so much ignorance on the web. He has such a huge following but unfortunately he's ignorant about this ecosystem This is for any newbie who may have watched…
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CMV: EIP-1559 will not fix fee ‘bidding wars’ or confusing user experience.

The current problem with Ethereum is that it's congested and the blocks are full. As a result, users need to pay increased fees to ensure their transaction is processed in a timely manner. This often results in volatile, unpredictable fees. There's also the resultant confusing user experience. "How much fees should I pay?!". Many wallets…
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Is this a sign to buy more raven?

submitted by /u/Hennyblacknight [link] [comments]

Buterin helping to strategize against Ethereum 51% attack possibility

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin is working to proactively solve a blockchain vulnerability.

Summer 2021

submitted by /u/BanklessHQ [link] [comments]