Need a Ledger? Try the poor man’s alternative instead.

Ledgers are great and if you can afford one. I'd highly recommend it.
If you don't feel like buying one,. There's always the 'poor' man's alternative . A cell phone.
Before you downvote, this doesn't.mean use your daily driver phone as your everyday wallet, that's dumb. Instead use an older smart phone. If you are like me, you never throw them out and have plenty left over
So this is what you do.(this phone should not have service)
Factory reset
Make a password/pin for your phone.
If your phone asks to sign in , make a new email that you don't use for anything else.
Turn off sync.
5.. Install atomic wallet or Exodus or any wallet of your choosing.(use pin different from your phone pin when setting up).
Write down your seed phrases and store a couple different copies in different locations.( do not screen shot them or save them to a cloud)
Don't use this phone for anything other than wallets. Don't download anything. Turn off wifi when you are not using it or just turn it off.
That's it, you now a safe wallet that should not have any vulnerabilities unless someone gets your keys so hide that shit .
If your camera still works, that's a plus so it's easier to send out when needed as you can just scan a barcode.
submitted by /u/smokingandcrying
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