Staking Cardano for 5 DAYS makes me more money than my bank account does in ONE YEAR
Hello everybody, Im somewhat new to the cryptocurrency world so this may not be breaking news for most of you but Im certainly happy now that I know this information.
Most bank accounts pay you ridiculously low interest rates on your money, and I mean extremely low. Turns out my savings account at my local bank was paying me an annual rate of 0.05%, which is basically nothing, in fact due to inflation my money was most likely losing value.
About two months ago I bought some ADA (Cardano), and read up a bit about staking. For those who dont know, staking is basically delegating your ADA to a stake pool, and you earn interest as a result. Your crypto never leaves your wallet, and you can stop staking and move your funds at any time if you want to so it is a safe process. I wont go too deep into details but by staking you can earn between 4-6% every year, and you are paid every epoch (5 days).
Im happy to announce that Im currently earning more money every 5 days by staking that my regular bank account makes me in one year. Im not saying Im rich now btw, it is still a small amount but it is still mindblowing to me.
Have a nice day people.
submitted by /u/jmilla360
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