I just tried Matic/Polygon L2 for Ethereum… WHY did no one tell me about this sooner?!

Gas prices are falling (finally), but still unbearable fees to waiting for 2.0 and Rollups like Optimism in June.
So I decided to finally try Polygon (Matic rebrand) after a shill in the comments… and WTF it works flawlessly! It even has a Dex Quickswap (Totally Uniswap clone) and Aave + Curve DEFI integration.
With todays gas fees it costed like 10 dollar to send all my Eth over there (Or back!), and you can use your Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens with Meta Mask on Polygons Layer 2 with constant transaction speeds at 2 f*cking seconds gas fees LESS than 0,1 cent like on mainnet and smart contracts! I could've saved houndres of dollars spendt on 1inch/Uniswap fees the last months. FML.
Why is no one talking about this?! The future of fast and almost free Eth transfers and swaps are here, and most (people like myself) up until today don't know, and cry about gas fees. Don't believe me? Try for yourself!
Why is this? Is it something about it being scary cause its new? Too "complicated" to do the 1-time transfer on bridge? Or is it unsafe? Whats the catch?
EDIT: Just learned from comments Opensea and Sushiswap already integrated Polygon. There also is Cometh swap, AND there is a working NTF minter. Yup, knock yourselves out.
submitted by /u/Tiltnes
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