ELI5 How/why did seed phrase become the default security method for most wallets?

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ELI5 How/why did seed phrase become the default security method for most wallets?

Can someone explain how did the 12/24 seed phrase method became the security method for hot & cold wallets and why its the best method of security?

Been using ledger for few years and hot wallets like MM and others for a bit, and to be honest, it just gives me anxiety to need to save these words written down and store it somewhere physical to keep safe.

'What if by house burns down, what if a flood soaks all the papers i've written them in, what if my house gets robbed'. It just seems…primitive and not very safe at all to depend on 12 words, and when you start to use more wallets, you have a handbook full of it, or have they separated and you forget where you placed that one sheet with half you life savings on it!

I'm just so use to password manager software like 1pass/lastpass; and i totally get how storing these digital has the risk of being hacked; but really is there no better method of security or is there any one/group working on better methods of securing your crypto? I just can't see this method becoming the de facto method of security when crypto becomes mainstream use by everyone like your grandma

edit: i know theres also those ledger metal tube capsules or diy steel washer method, but imagine having 10 wallets and needing to make one of each..

submitted by /u/bishibash
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