Devolt: The Decentralized Charging Network

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Devolt: The Decentralized Charging Network

Hey Community! I am here to breakdown one of the projects which i found pretty interesting at the just concluded ETH Samba Hackathon. Devolt clinched the 2nd place in the general track at the event.

Devolt is on a mission to revolutionize the energy market with our decentralized network of charging stations tailored for electric vehicles (EVs). The goal is to champion clean energy usage and accelerate the transition towards renewable energy sources. In essence, it aims to democratize renewable energy access and affordability, bolstering a sustainable future by elevating the electric vehicle ecosystem and advocating for decentralized energy solutions.

Technological Backbone:

– Scroll: Seamlessly integrated with Ethereum, leveraging zero-knowledge proofs and EVM compatibility.

– Scaffold ETH2: Boasting a user-friendly interface through Next.js, DaisyUI, and ShadCN, empowering EV users to charge their vehicles while enabling energy producers to sell surplus energy.

– Cartesi: Utilizing optimistic rollups for verified computations, extending support beyond Solidity to accommodate diverse tech stacks.

– Foundry: Deploying contracts on the Scroll network, incorporating Cartesi's DApp interaction and token contract standards.

– Golang, Kafka, HiveMQ, MongoDB: Powering real-time data management from charging units, providing insights into status, usage, and more.

Explore the GitHub Repositories:

– Depin: [GitHub Link](

– Rollup: [GitHub Link](

– Frontend: [GitHub Link](

– Contracts: [GitHub Link](

– Visit the live frontend at [](

– Watch the promotional video on YouTube(

I'm very much interested in seeing how this develops. What are the thoughts of the community on this? These hackathons have been an eye opener!

submitted by /u/Blocks_and_Chains
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