Record for most coins named after a person?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Record for most coins named after a person?

Elon by my count has over 50 coins named after him.

We all know the two that we all make fun of: DogElonMars and elon sperm

But check out these other oddities: Elon vs putin, Putin vs elon, Moon elon token, Brother of elon, Son of elon, Thx elon, Simply elon, Respect elon, Hey elon, Tesla elon doge, Floki elon, Choked elon, Ape elon, Saturday elon, Sea elon, Star elon, Etherium elon, Rici elon, Shiba elon, Tribute elonshu inu, Baby elona, Elon buys coca cola, Elon buys twitter, Elons rabbit, Elons currency, Elon doge dao, Elon floki inu,, ElonsPets, Elonomics, Elonballs, Elon moon, Elon grab, Elon hype, Elon cola, Elon jet, Elon peg, Elon bank, Elon's marvin, Elon goat, Shib elon, Elon tech, Astro elon, Elon cat coin, Dogs of elon, Elon doge , Elongate,

You have to hand it to him, he sure does inspire real shit. He might just be the cure for constipation. Probably missed some or some are delisted. Just what i found using an exchanges search function. Without checking id say he is the record holder based on this list alone.

Honorable mention that I noticed "fetus shiba inu"

submitted by /u/Frogmangy
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