ENS tokens show claimed but not showing in wallet. Txn Hash shows entire amount was received & then sent back.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

ENS tokens show claimed but not showing in wallet. Txn Hash shows entire amount was received & then sent back.

I attempted to claim my tokens yesterday but did not go through with the transaction due to the high gas price. Today I attempted to claim again, and the claims site indicates that I had already claimed my tokens.

After checking Etherscan I found two transactions one after the other from last night where it indicates I claimed the tokens:

Hash: 0xed2cbe25af15ab6e35033407ab7d7d7088821269ff987fd649c48c3f1ab937fa

And then sent back the tokens:

Hash: 0xc13d86258655e09dfe400c5eae00c4790e5f00c607a07365de29a7cc2c5f153f

Am I reading this correctly? I don't remember trying to claim at that time, as I was already on other things by that time (3 hours later), I was going to try again today.

Hoping someone can help me claim my ENS

submitted by /u/Junior77
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