Moons empower the upvote

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Moons empower the upvote

But make the downvote exploitable.

As I write this I can for see downvotes coming, I’m assuming more from bots or people who thing everything is a moon scheme.

It just kinda sucks, and I know I’m not alone on this, to leave a well thought out comment only to be immediately downvoted. Maybe my opinions and analysis suck, or maybe there’s a serious issue.

I know we can make proposals. Does anyone have ideas to demonetize contentious downvoting?

I know moons aren’t perfect but they are nice to receive and their speculative value had lead to the creation of bots etc.

There probably isn’t necessarily a fix-all, just curious about the general sentiment and possible solutions.

submitted by /u/BobbyBleustone
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