You are NOT the only one trying to resist FOMO
It may seem like everybody on this sub has money to just keep throwing at crypto every single new pump, and everyone else is capitalizing on these gains while you sit and watch because you don't have enough money or the means to invest right now. FOMO is nagging at you at an all time high right now and you're trying to figure out how to move money around to buy just a little more ETH, maybe finally get a whole 1 ETH before it gets too high.
Well, you should know you are not the only one here who is fighting these temptations and I think it helps to hear from someone else who is also not buying more crypto right now. It seems to calm me down to realize that while there are a lot of people making more gains than me, there are thousands more who are also sitting on the sidelines, or holding just $100 of BTC, or putting in only what they can afford to lose. This is not WSB and you should not give into your FOMO or gambling-like thoughts.
For me, I am trying to buy a house this summer. And you can probably imagine how tempting it is to have a pile of cash just sitting there to be used as a down payment not making gains. "I'll just put it in for a few weeks and make juuuuust a little bit more to go towards the house." It hurst to think about what I could have made just within the last week, but what would hurt WAY more is losing our down payment by gambling it away. So for now, my extra cash will remain cash and I'm doing what's best for my own family and being safe. You're not the only one on here who is "missing out."
submitted by /u/BirdisonBird
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