Trouble withdrawing from DeFi App using Ledger

I originally posted this in r/ledgerwaller but there's about 2 people on that sub.
I'm having trouble withdrawing from Yearn using my newly purchased Ledger Nano X. Previous to the Ledger I held Yearn Finance's custom tokens (e.g. yvUSDC, yvWETH) in my MetaMask wallet. When I got the Ledger I transferred them over from the MetaMask. No problems here. I can now connect my Ledger when using and can view all my balances. (yay! – I love staring at them)
I now want to withdraw from the Yearn vault. I connect my Ledger, select the asset I want to withdraw, select "Max", and click withdraw. Now the transaction pops up on the ledger and asks me to confirm. I scroll through the smart contract address, the gas fee, and the amount of ETH – but the amount of ETH is always 0. It's asking me to approve or reject withdrawing 0 ETH. I've tried withdrawing different amounts and always its 0 ETH on the ledger to approve.
Do I need to use LedgerLive to approve the transactions too?
Any help is appreciated. I'm closely monitoring gas prices to withdraw and deposit into another vault and have missed a few opportunities already.
submitted by /u/Apeshatt
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