Question on EIP1559 + ETH2.0, particularly Fee Burn, Inflation, and Fees

Hi! I understand that one of the core components of EIP1559 will be the introduction of a fee burn mechanism that will combat the inflation rate so much that it's presumed to cause the asset to become "deflationary".
Issuance – Fee Burn Mechanism = Negative Issuance.
So I have to ask, is the "deflationary" nature of ethereum (with EIP1559) something that will last into ethereum 2.0 (with sharding and therefore decreased fees) and become part of its permanent tokenomics or is this something that is a result of the high fees (with a % burn of that high fee)?
I'm just trying to understand this narrative of ultra-sound money and whether or not that's something that is planned to be a core principal or just a window of time within Ethereum's development where stars align to allow it.
submitted by /u/senatorskippylips
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