Does anyone feel this sub’s text posts have deteriorated into low quality motivational generic statements, for farming moons, ever since memes were banned from the sub?

I feel that people used to put all their effort into farming moons with memes, leaving room for decent text posts, but ever since the meme ban, i swear all the text posts are the most agreeable generic statements which any crypto-enthusiast could throw at you. sadly i don't really see a solution, except giving another format for moon farmers to throw their low quality stuff into, to preserve the text post quality.
edit: this may be unintentionally, a generic repeated post, but i haven't been browsing this sub enough recently to see a similar post so sorry in advance i guess, i've just lost motivation to even comment or browse the sub recently because so many posts just blend in with each other.
submitted by /u/the_edgy_avocado
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