It’s time to address it. There is blatant manipulation going on.

For the past months we have witnessed an increased amount of manipulation on twitter, reddit and other channels in order to misinform newcomers and regulars alike.
Almost every news article or post regarding NFT or DeFi is written in such a way that the Ethereum blockchain is not named or even worse, the article only refers to "Blockchain like Bitcoin".
There is a big crypto twitter army jumping on this moving to keep the information asymmetry alive and they will try to remove Ethereum from a lot of the news sources and add a Bitcoin logo and hashtag to keep it trending.
Today this manipulation has peaked, even on THIS subreddit. Visa announced to settle payments on the Ethereum blockchain, yet the two articles about this on the frontpage of this sub are:
Bitcoin jumps as Visa is reportedly said to allow payment settlements using cryptocurrency
Visa To Start Settling Transactions With Bitcoin Partners In USDC
It's time for the mods to take action and ban these posts trying to alter news facts and misinforming people in order to pump the price of their own bags.
submitted by /u/BakedEnt
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