Know your MOONs (Round 11)

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Know your MOONs (Round 11)

Know your MOONs (Round 11)

This is a comprehensive list of graphs about the Round 11 distribution. For a concise TL;DR version, head over to the end of this post.

MOONs per karma :

MOONs per karma

MOONs really are getting hard to be earned. As usual there is a 17% decrease compared to round 10 but this is less than round 10 as round 10 was 40% less than round 9. I suspect banning low quality posts reduced number of users earning karma so this round is more rewarding per karma for a user.

Number of Vaults :

Number of vaults

Although number of vaults at round 10 were at an all time high, The number of vaults at round 11 IS TOO DAMN HIGH. More people are creating their vaults and moving a step closer to getting their own lambos or should I say, Teslas ?.

Average MOONs users earned :

MOONs per contributor(i.e user)

This perfectly lines up with the huge rise in number of vaults. Although this time it isn't too much of high change, the number only dropped by 3. I think many people stopped being active in the sub, so existing and still active users are earning more.

Average MOONs moderators earned :

MOONs per moderator

Well, moderators too are earning less moons. There is almost a 31% decrease compared to round 10.

MOON bags distribution :

Number of users with MOON ranges

All levels of moon ranges have an increased number of people. More users have plowed their way into the >1000 group. And. there's also an increase of 128% in 0 to 10 range suggesting more newbies don't have their vaults set up. NEWCOMERS PLEASE SETUP YOUR VAULTS!

Price per moon (USD):

What is this monstrosity? 1 MOON = 1 MOON


For round 11,

Name Value % Change relative to round 10
Moons given per karma point 0.422 18% Decrease
Number of vaults 17018 128% Increase
Average moons user earned 47.27 6% Decrease
Average moons mods earned 662.92 31% Decrease
Price of moons 0.0656 1 Moon = 1 Moon

For previous round's details head over here,

Previous round

For how the data was gathered and to know purpose, correctness and truthfulness of data and various terminologies, head over to the full explanation post,

Full details post

submitted by /u/UrMuMGaEe
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