Performance of single-fan gpus

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Performance of single-fan gpus

Hey guys! I wondered if anybody could advise me on the performance of some cards. It looks like I might be able to get my hands on a ASUS PH GTX 1660 Super 6G. Specifically the smaller, single-fan version of the card. I know that the 1660 super series should give around 30 MH/s, but I wonder if there are any major differences between the different models. Some slight variation is expected (silicon lottery etc) but is there any reason that I should not buy this single fan ASUS PH GTX 1660, or should I expect significant reduction in performance compared to the bigger 2/3 fan models? I am able to get the single fan version a bit cheaper, so thats why I am asking. If its less suitable for mining, I will just buy the bigger, more expensive version.

Amazon link to the card, make sure to select the third version of the card on the page:

submitted by /u/Hirnbeisser
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