Would you be interested in a serious write up on using the stoic mindset for investing?

I am a professional philosopher. I got my PhD back in 2015. Basically, I’m saying this is a serious offer, and I’m not an idiot (in philosophy anyways).
Would you all care to see a write up of how the stoic mindset might benefit your investing and allow you to behave with a more rational, objective mindset that was less emotional? Stoicism is the roots of modern Cognitive Behavioral Therapy but has a wider scope because it was a lifestyle and a philosophy at the same time.
I’m passionate about the topic, but I hesitate to spend the time on it to share with others because if they don’t want to hear it, why waste the effort? I could be scrolling after all. 😂 And, since this is a crypto sub and not something else, people might not care at all, and that’s ok. Maybe it is the right sub.
I absolutely do think an awareness of mindset is very helpful for investing. You want something of a short essay, or no?
submitted by /u/fatherintime
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