Today I Learned where did Bull and Bear market name came from!

Where Did "Bulls" and "Bears" Come From?
While the terms are relatively simple to understand, the impact either a bull or bear market can have on your portfolio and wealth is undeniable. Both animals are known for their incredible and unpredictable strength, so the image that each evokes in regards to stock market volatility certainly rings true.
Interestingly enough, the actual origins of these expressions are unclear. Here is one explanation:
The terms "bear" and "bull" are thought to derive from the way in which each animal attacks its opponents. That is, a bull will thrust its horns up into the air, while a bear will swipe down. These actions were then related metaphorically to the movement of a market. If the trend was up, it was considered a bull market. If the trend was down, it was a bear market.
The more you know 😅🤗
submitted by /u/I_Love_Crypto_Man
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