We Should Set The Educational Standard for Crypto Subreddits – We Actually Must.

(MODS, there is alot of user mentions here, do not spam filter me or remove this before you read it)
Our fellow redditor u/GroundbreakingLack78 has posted an amazing list of the best educational material on this sub dating even couple years back (beat me to it, I was working on one myself :), kudos to him)
We, crypto lovers, should aspire to make this sub the STANDARD for Crypto knowledge.
Reddit is a democratic platform and what is interesting is chosen by the people and is essentially filtered for content quality.
Definitely better than reading news, participating in trading discords, getting advices from pump and dumpers, idiot youtubers and you know the drill.
I propose and believe with my heart that the aformentioned educational list should be pinned as long as it is relevant. I talked to the OP, he is going to continue expanding it.
BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE. The post had credits to redditors writing the educational material so…..
I started chatting up some of the guys individually, but that seems to take a little too long. Lets do it another way and publicly.
So I have an idea.
This is my public letter to us educational material writers:
I think all of us that have been featured here have a really decent crypto vet knowledge. I believe the list of knowledge should be pinned on this sub for as long as possible and its OP would not mind updating it as time goes. Having this post pinned will set a standard for, well, obviously the most general crypto subreddit that has a potential now to have one pinned welcome link to get everyone started, but still keep some jokes, stories and news in the normal feed.
So my question to all of us who like to write educational material. Do you want to team up? Imagine what we can achieve together, when writing guides/articles/papers.
Having second opinion is invaluable (As a scientist, I publish papers here and there, having someone else read it, who has experience in the same field [crypto for us] may give it the final touch that increases the quality of the work exponentially.
So would you like to collaborate? We could do discord for instance
u/Layneeeee u/CrabCommander u/pippius u/LivingThings37 u/Weaver96 u/cryptogrowth u/BTC2018 u/GoldenRain99 u/wolfmangpuck u/lovinglyhandmade u/TheWierdGuy u/calvintheidiot u/plokij24
u/icysx u/good-as-helix u/DivineEu u/nanooverbtc u/Larkinz u/birolata u/LargeSnorlax u/jackvilles u/pseudoHappyHippy u/chilledmyspine u/arsonbunny u/Nexul1
u/FrontHandNerd u/walkinthepark01 u/Suuperdad u/bose25 u/steavus u/Tilted_Till_Tuesday u/Jeremykla u/liau_ u/Anhowa123
and u/ YOU? Newcomers are welcome.
Lets do it guys, lets make this the best crypto sub ever.
submitted by /u/icysx
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