MOON Proposal: Restriction on the amount of comments per user eligible for Moon distribution.

The idea of this proposal is to encourage more thought-out comments, and to discourage users simply commenting for the point of commenting in order to farm moons.
I've noticed a handful of users spam comments without applying any effort/discussion. I believe restricting the amount of comments a user can have eligible for moons (15 a day / 420 a month) will hopefully inspire more effort to be made when commenting.
It's likely this small tweak will only apply to a tiny proportion of the community, however I believe it will make moon distribution fairer and more accessible for people that only comment insightful points, and prevent people farming moons as a job.
I'm interested to hear what you think about this proposal, is the threshold too high? too low? When you vote perhaps comment a reason.
Please note, after you hit the 420 comments (including deleted ones) per month threshold you will still be able to comment, but the subsequent karma will not be counted for the moon distribution. 420 was chosen as it's 15 comments per day in the 28 day moon cycle.
This is the second time running this poll, the first reaching 83% of the threshold.
submitted by /u/mhucpr
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