Proposal to create a personal story flair that all stories must have which will have reduced Karma for the MOON distribution

With the advent of meme weekend being removed, there have been a massive influx of personal story posts which are made to earn moons. For example someone literally made a post where they showed off of their sex toy that he bought with crypto. Like seriously.
I have seen some people propose a separate sub to put in personal stories and keep them isolated from this sub which is meant to be information rich. While I have no grudge against personal stories by themselves I do have it when people start posting them just to get moons. I want people to post personal stories that actually mean something of value, something that makes every crypto owner proud to hear. Stuff significant and not garbage shit everyone buys regardless of crypto. Stuff intended to prioritize advice to invest better and not have moons become a massive distraction from that.
A personal story flair would be mandatory for such posts and they will get a 10% reduction of karma for the moon distribution.
submitted by /u/Iiau_
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