If you are new to crypto when the bear market finally returns you won’t believe how quickly sentiment will change – post not for FUD

Right now in crypto life is good and bitcoin has literally changed so many peoples lives for the better. Right now even the talk of a downturn is met with fierce opposition!
The crypto market has always been in a bull/bear market cycle though, it is a cycle that has repeated many time before.
What the new users to this space won't realise though is just how brutal the bitcoin bear market is though and just how quickly it will change from 'bitcoin is taking over' to 'this coin is dead, crypto is over!'
It is almost as if someone just clicks a switch and before you know it day after day you will see losses of 30%+
People go into panic mode which fuels the fire of FUD and before you know it all positivity has left the community and slowly but surely all the weak hands leave the game whilst the experienced investors gobble up the cheap coins.
They always say buy when there is blood on the street and in crypto that is very true.
I dont think the bear market is here yet but when it comes make sure you are mentally prepared!
submitted by /u/AvidasOfficial
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