Over the last 7 days, bitcoin increased $14K (from 48 to 62K), an average of $2K/day

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Over the last 7 days, bitcoin increased $14K (from 48 to 62K), an average of $2K/day

Here are typical hesitation thoughts:

Price increased from 10K to 20K – I will wait for 10K dip

20K to 30K – I will wait for 20K dip

30K to 40K – I will wait for 30K dip

40K to 50K – I will wait for 40K dip

50K to 60K – I will wait for 50K dip

60K to 70K – I will wait for 60K dip…

Final: I still don't have any chunk of bitcoin right now.

Solution: Buy now and DCA regularly later.

submitted by /u/ttcrus
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