Likely popular opinion: I’d take meme weekends back if people stopped talking about Moons….

Remember when the worst thing we had to complain about were reposted memes? Those were good times, they were…
But for real, I think I've read about 20 posts today from people either complaining about Moons or complaining about people complaining about Moons… And this is completely hypocritical considering I'm doing exactly what I just stated I'm sick of – though I think my point still stands true…
If the mods could create an auto-mod that deleted posts pertaining to Moons similar to when "tax" is brought up, and refer the poster to a sticky with any and all information regarding them, that would be fantastic. If people still had unanswered questions about moons, make it so they can only bring them up in the daily discussion megathread.
If this gets enough support, I'll create a poll with everything that I just mentioned for the next moon proposal…
submitted by /u/clodhopper88
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