My mom was supportive when I told her I was investing in crypto, this meant the world to me.

My mom is the only person in this world who I feel truly supports and loves me. I am a lonely person in this world, with no real friends. I know it's weird for a guy in his 20's to consider mom his best friend, but everybody has different circumstances in life that lead to what their current life is today.
I recently started investing in Ethereum and finally brought it up in a conversation on our way to the store yesterday. I did my best to explain crypto to her in simple terms to the best of my ability. I think she understood, or at least the basics. She came out very supportive, told me she was glad I was trying to do something for the longterm and warned me about not spending too much.
This might not sound like much to you for for me it meant a lot because no other human I know would have been so caring and supportive as her.
I recently joined this subreddit and people here have been the kindest to me. I post this because I really don't have anyone else to tell.
Thank you for your time to anyone who took the time to read this, I really appreciate everyone here 🙂
submitted by /u/Isiki777
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