New to crypto but I have been saving for quite awhile and I’ll be turning 20 in June.

I have roughly 16k in my savings. I’m good on making credit card Payments on time and I said fuck it and bought 3 ETH coins. Was this a big fuck up or should I ride it out? Any body with some actual knowledge who could point me in the write directions would be fantastic. I hate seeing more negative energy consume us and it carries on to one another. I’m really not looking for some smart ass remarks, frankly. If anybody is willing to point me in the write directions that would be awesome! Been saving since I was 11 doing landscaping and then I got into the pizza business and I’m making decent money as of now. Plus I use acorns as well.
TL:DR bought 3 ETH coins when they were roughly $1,485. Was this a god move or did I screw myself
submitted by /u/cozzybaked
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