Experiment: What if you kept buying terrible performing coins?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Experiment: What if you kept buying terrible performing coins?

In this experiment I am fake-buying CMC's top 10 worst performing coins of the week from the top 500 coins. And I put 1k into each of them for a total of 10k fake investment.

Then, next week I will fake sell them and divide the money into that week's 10 worst performers.

The first week I start off with these shitcoins, with the highest rank being 350.

  • BTRS: 9.18 coins
  • ADK: 719.42 coins
  • FIO: 5414.18 coins
  • BONDLY: 2281 coins
  • ERG: 476.19 coins
  • COVER: 1.76 coins
  • AUTO: 0.375 coins
  • ANY: 392.15 coins
  • YUSRA: 564.97 coins
  • POS: 54112.55 coins

Total value: $10k

(This experiment doesn't take fees into association and makes the assumptions they can all easily be bought.)

submitted by /u/Arghmybrain
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