Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Am I the only person worried about the effects of Doge?

I am not really the kind of person to pee on someone else’s good fortune, but I can’t escape the feeling that the Doge push, if sustained, is going to severely cripple cryptocurrency. Let me explain: The majority of the current crypto bull run has been a direct result of institutional acceptance and investment into…
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I am warming up to EIP-1559

I don't like the "punish miners" stuff that was written in the EIP. In my view, miners and ASIC companies haven't done anything wrong. So seeing that said irked me. I've also said in the past, and very much still agree with, that miners are on borrowed time. That proof of stake was to be…
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What GME taught me about investing and sanity and how to see the same thing in crypto

Few months ago was a r/wsb ape. I was all about the whole “fuck Melvin, 🚀🚀🚀🙌💎” philosophy so I yolo’d all of my monies into GME between $80-$120, it was good for about 10k The “day of” when RH killed the game, I had over 5x and it happened within a week. I was fucking…
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Bibox beats lawsuit alleging unregistered securities issuance

A U.S. district has rejected a lawsuit alleging that Bibox sold unregistered securities because the lead plaintiff last traded the tokens in question more than 12 months ago.

TA: Here’s Why Bitcoin Price Is Primed To Revisit $52K Support

Bitcoin price struggled to recover above $57,500 against the US Dollar. BTC is now declining and it remains at a risk of more downsides towards $52,000. Bitcoin is facing an uphill task above the $57,000 and $57,500 levels. The price is now trading well below the $57,000 level and the 100 hourly simple moving average. […]

Why is no one discussing what’s happening with the price right now or giving an explanation?

I mean really 90 percent of the posts now are just mining questions. submitted by /u/chollingsbollings [link] [comments]

For once, I finally did it.

Alright peeps, this finally happened to me, and it's never happened to me before. I actually pulled all my coins out into a stable coin just before the top. I actually fucking did it and sold at the top. Fuck that has never happened. So I took the opportunity to buy this nice dip. …
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Morgan Stanley Says Central Bank Digital Currencies Not a Threat to Cryptocurrencies

Major investment bank Morgan Stanley believes that central bank digital currencies are not a threat to the existence of cryptocurrencies. The bank believes that both types of digital currencies can coexist because they serve different purposes and have different appeals. Cryptocurrencies and CBDCs Can Coexist Morgan Stanley’s analysts, including chief economist Chetan Ahya, discussed the […]

6700xt stats???

Anyone have stats on mining RVN with a 6700xt??? I'm having difficulty finding predictions on how well it will mine. ETH stats are out but RVN not so much. Thanks in advance. submitted by /u/Reptimania777 [link] [comments]

First time Crypto Users: Read Here On How You Can Earn More Crypto

When you are starting out the first time, there is nothing quite like earning free crypto. We know the great Digital Gold airdrop ended when people were giving out free bitcoins just to be heard. But that doesn't mean you can't earn rewards and crypto today. Here are some of the top ways to earn…
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