Author: dfmines

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

TOMO came through, I don’t think they meant any harm and ultimately I think they are good people

Resolution: I proved ownership of the wallet and provided KYC to tomo to receive the tokens. Ended up talking with the tomo project lead quite a bit and I don't think they acted maliciously or deceptively and I think they are good people and trustworthy. The internet is full of scammers, crypto especially, and he…
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App to track ETH network fees?

Obviously this is a known/common issue, but is there an iOS app that monitors and tracks ETH network fees and can let you know when it falls beneath a set threshold? If not, there should be. Just give me 2% of royalties. submitted by /u/bill_fish [link] [comments]

DeFi who? NFTs are the new hot stars on the crypto block

NFTs are taking over from where DeFi left off, and data suggests asset tokenization will dominate 2021.

I’m trying to upload artwork to OpenSea but the fees are too high, is there anyway around this?

I want to upload artwork to OpenSea but when I try and upload there is a “free transaction” that must occur to allow OpenSea to sell items on my account. The fee for this transaction is currently 91 USD worth of ethereum, is this reasonable, and is there a way to get away with paying…
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Interview by Swiss Prof. in Distributed Ledger Technology (Blockchain) / FinTech about DeFi and Smart Contracts

Hi everyone, I saw an interesting interview with Prof. Schär about the disruption potential and application prospect of DeFi's and Smart Contracts in one of Switzerland biggest news. Interview in German: Google Translate: The University of Basel will also open up its blockchain lectures to the public in the future! submitted by…
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Was recieving roughly 40 RVN daily. Since the 20th of Feb I have mined just over 8 RVN.

Hey guys, I decided to start mining near the end of January and went with RVN (tried ETH, gave up pretty quickly) as it seemed pretty good. As title suggests, everything was going smoothly up until the 20th of Feb when my consisten RVN gains stopped, i am now lucky to be able to mine…
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Geth v1.10.0 out! Snapshots, snap sync, pruning and more!

submitted by /u/karalabe [link] [comments]

Ravencoin Missing

My RVN wallet had been not syncing the past couple of days, so I went and did a full rebuild and came across several 5,000+ coin withdrawals of RVN from my wallet to this address on 2/22/21. RPtVVaPqstQeXNYfEb32YfAibsQ4YcueVr I did not send any RVN to this address. Seems like my wallet somehow has been hacked.…
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