Author: dfmines

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Beware of fake “pump coins” groups on telegram, they’re all scammers

I discovered on telegram that there are some groups that pretend to organize special days when they all pump a coin, but they're actually a scam. I'm not talking about small groups, we're talking about groups that have even more than 1 million users! Officially it works in this way: they set a day when…
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My first ever payout is teasing me

submitted by /u/YaBoyDannyBoi [link] [comments]

Coinmarketcap (now owned by Binance) posted an article admitting the centralized nature of Binance Chain

A recent article posted on Coinmarketcap, explaining the hack of $31M from Meerkat Finance project, ended with the following words: If the Binance team can confirm that it was a rug pull, there’s a possibility that they could rollback transactions on the blockchain — something that’s only possible due to the centralized nature of the…
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New York governor Cuomo reveals COVID-19 pilot built on IBM blockchain

Blockchain could play a crucial role in COVID-19 vaccination management as the globe starts to emerge from the crisis.

I didn’t think I would enjoy a meme-less Saturday but I really do.

I work during the weekdays and don't get much time to properly browse this sub. I thoroughly enjoy reading up on posts and updates and getting involved in discussion. I'm still relatively new to Crypto (few months) so there's still much to learn and it's great that I can get involved and ask questions without…
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The United Arab Emirates’ green digitization vision

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the need for sustainable digitization of the economy, and the UAE is accepting the challenge.

5 Educational Resources That Will Level up Your Cryptocurrency Knowledge

These resources will help you understand alot about crypto. Check them out. 1. Tokentuber Tokentuber is a video streaming platform making a concerted effort to better educate its audience on all things crypto. It’s formed an alliance with a growing number of cryptocurrency exchanges to integrate a quiz that pays users to demonstrate their knowledge…
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Bitcoin Already Started to Replace Gold, Next Target $100,000: Bloomberg Report

submitted by /u/girlshero [link] [comments]