Author: dfmines

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Coin specific subreddits are echo Chambers. Do not use them for investment advice!

As the title says, specific crypto subreddits are echo Chambers where only positive sentiment is upvoted to the top. You will not receive an unbiased opinion or answer to your questions. In fact in some subreddits negative comments are completely removed with posters even possibly being banned. submitted by /u/Dangeruk [link] [comments]

Just a reminder that the US Governement doesn’t actually have 1.9 Trillion to hand out.

This money will be completely printed out of thin air via the non-governmental agency that is the federal reserve. It does nothing other then create inflation in the economy. The trick will be to figure out where the inflation will show up. Normal quantitative easing usually shows up in equities and expensive shit like art…
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[Learning] MIT Open Course: Blockchain and Money

Since there are a lot of new users in this sub, and many people seem to be enjoying using weekends to learn about crypto, I figured to share one of my favorite learning resources: Blockchain and Money is a free MIT course that offers an excellent introduction to crypto technology and crypto currency. It covers…
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Lessons Learned: Two Months as a Crypto Newbie

This post is to share my experience over the past few months as a cryptocurrency newbie. I'm one of many new members who joined r/cc after WSB, $GME, and dogecoin garnered massive media attention. My general interest in technology, and discretionary income, means I'm the perfect idiot who has no idea what I'm doing while…
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Searching deep: The quest for Bitcoin scalability through layer two protocols

The quest for a workable Bitcoin scalability solution is still ongoing with developmental efforts in protocols like the Lightning Network and Statechains.

Smart Trade COIN (STC)

Hello everybody, do you have any experience with this site? I invested a small sum of ETH for the beginning and I see some big profits, so I am not sure if it is really that legit as everybody told me (friends). I also created a subreddit (r/SmartTradeCoinSub) for it so if you are also…
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This is financial advice: Pay your taxes. The age of adoption is here, the age of “fucking around” has ended.

Tax season is coming, April 15 is the deadline in the US and many countries have similar deadlines. You might not like taxes, few people do, but this is the world we live in. This is the country you live in, this is the society you're a part of. Some of you might have gotten…
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Today I feel like flying high

submitted by /u/bor_borygmus [link] [comments]

How does cross-project composability work for the upcoming L2 scaling solutions?

I'm seeing a lot of hype right now as L2 feels like it's actually turning into reality but one area that I don't have a clear understanding of is how composability will work in this new L2-enabled landscape. Will we have a whole host of project specific L2 silos and we will incur L1 gas…
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