⚠️ WARNING: do not use cent.co to buy NFTs – their smart contract is flawed, and contains logic allowing the admin to steal ALL THE MONEY ⚠️
submitted by /u/dont_forget_canada [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/dont_forget_canada [link] [comments]
First of all, I'm relatively new to investing, crypto and NFT's but I've been a digital artist for years. I'm still studying but I've done commissioned posters before and I've gotten a surprising amount of social engagement around my work on various subreddits as well as Instagram. Over the years, I've consistently designed posters in…
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A bullish technical pattern signals that Bitcoin may be gearing up to retest its all-time high and this positive development is pushing UNI, THETA, VET and LUNA higher.
Celsius is expected to grow its assets under management by 25% annually through 2025, according to Alpha Sigma Capital.
Was it because of the 4gb card miners switching to rvn at the end of 2020? Why has it gone down, and do you predict the price will go up or down? submitted by /u/Accomplished-Dog-284 [link] [comments]
as it uses contracts to be played, does it costs gas ? who pays ? the creator or the players ? submitted by /u/nabzvecr [link] [comments]
Is it possible that our memes were so bad that we caused the market dips every previous weekend ? Any lurker that saw the state of this subreddit on the weekend started thinking about how much stupid money is invested in his favorite crypto project, so he decided to sell it right away 🙂 Source:…
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I’ve seen a lot of people talking about new ethereum updates and how in the future ethereum will have lower gas fees, will be able to process more transactions, will be more scalable and will be proof of stake. These seem to be a lot of the reasons why people view cardano more favourably, especially…
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I feel like a lot of newcomers get their information through crypto youtubers. That’s great. What’s not so great is the amount of youtubers like Bitboy who are promoting shitcoins so he can get some sweet profit himself. Here are some youtubers I really recommend if you’re watching a lot of YouTube or just want…
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