Author: dfmines

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Pow vs PoS and why 32 eth to become validator?

PoS vs PoW and why 32 ethereum to be a validator? So im very new at mining but isn’t this more about making rich ethereum users way more richer? as many others out there is very hard to make 32 eth at this price? While mining is way more cheaper and its working fine for…
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Fund Manager Bashes Bitcoin: An Extreme Form of Libertarian Anarchism

As Bitcoin price makes headlines across mainstream and financial media, skeptics of cryptocurrencies have come out of the woodwork in droves. The latest skepticism comes from Tim Bond, partner and portfolio manager at Odey Asset Management, who claims that Bitcoin has very little benefit to society, and instead is an extreme form of Libertarian anarchism. […]

If you asked a random stranger in the street about Bitcoin 90% wouldn’t have a clue. Cryptocurrency is still in its infancy. You are not late to the party!

With Bitcoin currently near its all time high I see lots of people saying that it is too late to invest. Although at such a high price it is risky in the short term, the long term prospects have never looked better. We are currently seeing the start of mass adoption with major companies and…
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Publicly Listed Maker of Billion-User Chinese App Meitu Buys $40 Million of Bitcoin and Ether for Its Treasury

One of China’s top internet app makers, Meitu Inc., is adding up to $100 million worth of cryptocurrencies to its treasury, joining a growing list of companies worldwide to do so. The company has already purchased $40 million worth of bitcoin and ether for its balance sheet. Chinese Public Company Adds Bitcoin and Ethereum to […]

DeversiFi introduces fast withdrawals feature between L2 and L1 Ethereum

CryptoNinjas » DeversiFi introduces fast withdrawals feature between L2 and L1 Ethereum DeversiFi, an Ethereum-based crypto trading/exchange ecosystem, today announced it has collaborated with StarkWare to use for the first time; a new type of L2 transaction known as a ‘conditional transfer’ – which makes possible interoperability between L2 and L1 Ethereum. “We believe that…
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Not to mention EIP1559, ETH2.0, PoS, and much more

submitted by /u/BanklessHQ [link] [comments]

Daily Discussion – March 9, 2021 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read…
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Making the ecosystem more light-client friendly

One of the challenges of the current Ethereum ecosystem is that while the protocol is theoretically light client friendly, and light clients even exist and can be used today, they're not nearly as commonplace as was originally envisioned. Particularly, all of the following environments could have been secured by light clients, but are instead typically…
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Back over $1800+ baby! 🚀🚀🚀

submitted by /u/SpeedyCorals [link] [comments]