Author: dfmines

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Play Quake in your browser and earn some NANO

I'm always looking for new ways to earn free crypto. I recently found that you can play quake and earn a little bit of nano while playing. I grew up playing quake, and spent countless hours on the game. here it is: enter a username, and your nano wallet, and start killing. you get…
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A bit of humor, RVN logo, the unknown origins…

submitted by /u/Cuadriello [link] [comments]

Handed out moons

Spent yesterday typing others moons to help get vaults going, then just kept on tipping zero mooners to get more excitement going again about moons. I don't know how to tell how many I gave away buy it was fun. Also tipping those who provided me with good content that I learned from. Just wanted…
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Still getting payouts

i just switched from ravenminer to flypool and im still getting payouts every 3 hours. I heard that flypool pays out once you reached 50 coins. submitted by /u/BabylonsDissidence [link] [comments]

⟠ Latest Week in Ethereum News

submitted by /u/EvanVanNess [link] [comments]

Need help – Restoring Ethereum from 2017 smart contract

Hi, I used the official ethereum wallet from 2017. I did send 6.8 ether back then from my wallet to my smart contract. But now I can't open the ethereum wallet, but I have the keystore file. I also have the smart contract address and the ethereum wallet address. I also have the password for…
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Happy national women’s day to all our crypto girls

Happy national women's day to all our ladies in crypto! We love you I haven't seen many of you on this sub, or even less in real life but I'd like to wish you a happy national women's day and a lot more of girls who have interest in crypto, to muster your courage and…
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What will happen to my ETH when ETH 2.0 comes out?

I'm sure this is asked somewhere here, but I couldn't find it. What is going to happen with my ETH when the new ETH 2.0 comes out? submitted by /u/M4gilla_Gorilla [link] [comments]

Interesting how they draw the Ethereum logo

submitted by /u/pfedan [link] [comments]

PayPal purchases crypto custody firm Curv

The platform said it plans to complete the acquisition before the third quarter of 2021.