Anyone still mining RVN on a lowly GTX 1050 Ti?
How many MH/s are you getting? Should I even bother with it? LOL! submitted by /u/raynmanch [link] [comments]
How many MH/s are you getting? Should I even bother with it? LOL! submitted by /u/raynmanch [link] [comments]
Hi all, I think I've got my head around digital art NFTs and video NFTs however I want to know if this really expands onto all types of digital media. Say Stephen King writes a new book and decides he's going to sell it digitally as an eBook – Could he make say 1000 copies…
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The financial services giant has filed paperwork with the SEC to launch a debt instrument linked to 11 crypto-focused firms.
Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read…
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Full Details Below Ticker Symbol will be ETHX CI Galaxy looks like MER is 1% submitted by /u/shadowt1tan [link] [comments]
deadmau5 NFT drop in 45 minutes! at 7pm EST It will be sold out in 5 mins i suppose, glad to see new artists jumping in. source: submitted by /u/springshop [link] [comments]
It's good to learn the cons of things, especially if you are invested in them. People present legitimate opinions on here quite often that don't align with the "all hail Crypto" ideology and are ignored or downvoted for it. Someone presenting point as to why a certain coin could fail or lacks scalability while everyone…
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Faild on wi-fi and LTE. Any idea? Any one have similar problem? #ravencoin #wallet #smartphone submitted by /u/rravv200000 [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/carloscancab [link] [comments]
Up until last week I hide almost all of my crypto purchases from my wife. It started innocently enough…I had some big plans of surprising my family with a dream vacation with the earning off my coins. We live a very strict life and putting the money into crypto means we don't have extra for…
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