Author: dfmines

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

need help with a transaction.

So i have a transaction that has says it has been compleated but it hasnt arrived yet. On etherscan it says the transaction has over 180 confirmations and it says its successeful. I looked at blockcypher too and turns out the transaction is shown as 2 different ones. 1 is compleaded but the other one…
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Blockpass to support DuckStarter’s participating IDOs with compliance services

CryptoNinjas » Blockpass to support DuckStarter’s participating IDOs with compliance services Blockpass, the blockchain-powered KYC and digital ID platform, today announced it will be working with a number of new solutions and companies, as it provides compliance options to Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs) on the DuckStarter platform. As DuckDAO’s token sale launchpad, the DuckStarter platform…
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A moment please, if you are feeling blue or depressed on this evening

One of the younger coworkers at our employ has begun bringing her daughter in with her so she can do school work and not be alone all day. Full disclosure, many employees do as a lot of them are single parents and childcare has sky rocketed in our part of New England. We have turned…
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submitted by /u/CycleScalper [link] [comments]

Daily Discussion – March 13, 2021 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read…
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Atari NFT shoes are amazing!

submitted by /u/PeanutbuttaDcl [link] [comments]

Ether TX out of Gas

Hi, I wanted to send my ETH from my Jaxx wallet to an exchange, but some Tx didn't get mined or had a too low mining fee/gas limit set, I don't know the actual reason, sorry 🙁 I imported the private keys to another wallet and then I could send everything. However, some transactions stuck…
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Binance rolls-out alpha version of new payment feature and merchant program

CryptoNinjas » Binance rolls-out alpha version of new payment feature and merchant program Crypto exchange company Binance, announced today that following the soft launch of Binance Pay last month, the service now is available on the Binance app in an alpha version, and features the Pay and merchant functions. Last February, Binance released the beta…
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Is it worth Cold storing 3k worth of Ethereum?

Ive been contemplating buying a ledger nano s, but im not really aware of any significant advantages to cold storing it. If i had 10s of thousands maybe. what do u think? submitted by /u/nassimbaaziz7 [link] [comments]