Second post about useDApp, the new DApp building framework
submitted by /u/ethmarek [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/ethmarek [link] [comments]
If ETH is decentralised and the mining operators vote on which ETH improvements can be made such as EIP1559. How can ETH move to PoS without the consent from the majority of the miners? submitted by /u/A117Z [link] [comments]
Amid the growing popularity of NFTs, a new player in the segment – God Temple has announced its first celebrity partnership. According to the latest update, the AC Ventures-backed project has joined forces with North American comics artist Pat Lee to create digital collectible art. In addition, God Temple has also formed a strategic partnership […]
The Sveriges Riksbank said that CBDC technology still requires further investigation.
Hello Ethereum community! I was looking back at transactions made with an old ethereum wallet and came across the following. Does anybody know what this refers to? I am not sure what this "ReplaySafeSplit" contract was and where this Eth may be. I believe it refers to the time when ETH and ETC…
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U.K.-based Argo Blockchain just did record revenues, but a new report suggests 75% of Bitcoin mining still takes place in China, where “blood coin” is made.
I just wanna share this because im curious if others have the same experience but basically after getting into crypto and getting some sweet gains I barely spend any money. Dont get me wrong, I'm far from being rich but theres a lot of stuff I always wanted that I could get now but I…
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I read a lot of websites that describe ETH 2.0 staking reward so I think I know some main factors that use to calculate ETH 2.0 staking reward but no one shows the exact equation of it. I just want to know the exact equation of it. Thank you so much for the answer. …
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Everyone here screams "Gold is worse! Look how mining gold is bad for the environment!" but people forget that you need a shit ton of Hardware build with RARE EARTH MATERIALS LIKE GOLD to mine Bitcoin.Even if you mine Bitcoin with 100% clean energy, you still need a massive amount of Hardware and you need…
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ERC stands for Ethereum Request for Comments and is followed by a number. This number will indicate what the token is capable of doing, and how it will interact with smart contracts and other dapps: Understanding Ethereum Tokens ERC-20 – the most popular of the Ethereum token standards (used by BNB, USDT, LINK) ERC-223 –…
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