Author: dfmines

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Lower gas

What is it with these gas prices like trying to stock up on NFTs but not going to if it’s gonna cost me $70 extra just to transfer the money how do I get this down and buy NFTs with a realistic gas price? submitted by /u/gadsdenkid_ [link] [comments]

Eth Pending

Brought an NFT over 13 hours ago on Rarible and it’s still pending. Not showing up on etherscan or anything so can’t find transaction details, I’ve read a lot and people seem to mention finding the nonce and subtracting 1 and trying again but how to I go about that as it was a purchase…
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How do I avoid paying for failed transactions?

submitted by /u/ellojacko [link] [comments]

Report: Covid-19 Caused 50% of Adults Aged Between 35 and 44 to Embrace Cryptocurrencies

A new study, which was undertaken by the Slovakian internet security company Eset, finds 50% of 35 to 44-year-olds have become involved in cryptocurrencies since the pandemic. The figure, the highest for any age group, underscores the role Covid-19 restrictions had in forcing citizens from six countries into embracing crypto assets. Changed Habits and Preferences […]

How high could she fly?

Realistically speaking, how high could RVN fly? What prices do you guys think Ravencoin is capable of reaching? submitted by /u/r3ddit0rofthedeep [link] [comments]

Ethereum in the 2021 Ultimate Crypto Tournament

Hi everyone, forgive the shameless announcement, but I’m a real person doing this and a nerd for tournaments. The only way I know to let people know about this is to blast messages. If this gets more downvotes than upvotes, I’ll F off. That said, guess what…it’s tourney time and you’re in! Ethereum is the…
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Today has been great for Ravencoin!

Woke up and saw the prices! Does anyone know what caused the rise? submitted by /u/DannyDev1to [link] [comments]

How can I use Ravencoin to sell an online edition of music (an album)? How would the album become attached to the token as an asset?

Would purchases of the album require mining the album? Or is it just trading the coins for the album, as one would any other currency? Thank you! submitted by /u/Congregator [link] [comments]

Seems to me the future of crypto is XLM. So why aren’t people talking about it?

Faster transactions, cheaper transactions, and easier international transactions (insanely easy). Seems like the easiest one to talk about is bitcoin because of its current market price but is it the crypto of the future? I don't think so. Stellar aims to solve an issue and it's darn close to succeeding. They are attempting to create…
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