Author: dfmines

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

3 key Chainlink price metrics signal LINK is gathering strength

Chainlink is down 30% from its all-time high, but on-chain and derivatives indicators show there is increasing interest from investors.


submitted by /u/ABJ_TheBeater [link] [comments]

New miner. 1 Rx570

I've been using NB miner with f2pool, I have ONLY ONE Rx570. I mine to my Binance wallet and was looking for better pools. Any recommendations? submitted by /u/KhoobNoob [link] [comments] Announces Global Partnership and Membership with Visa

submitted by /u/wakaseoo [link] [comments]

How Bitcoin Neutrality Is Simply Another Vote for a Crumbling Status Quo

Nearly ten years into failed fiscal and monetary policy experiments, when trust in institutions is ebbing near an all-time low, the rationale for holding bitcoin has never been stronger. Yet, many people are neutral and non-reactive on the matter, giving credence to the current state of affairs instead of challenging the very narrative that is […]

Andreessen Horowitz leads $23M round for NFT marketplace OpenSea

Will this new funding round pave the way for OpenSea to become the Amazon of NFTs?

Low price doesn’t mean it can reach $1000

I will take a recent example by saying Cardano has become the new Ripple in term of price expectation. Hear me out before downvoting for comparing Cardano and Ripple (I can already feel the pitchfork). Lately there has been a lot of new investors. They are like us when we arrived in this new promised…
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ENS Domains vs MEW – Gas Prices

Hey everyone, Can someone explain to me the difference between registering a new ENS name on compared to myetherwallet? Has anyone used myetherwallet to register an ens name, is it really .01 eth in gas fees as mentioned in this article – or maybe the article is just outdated, and the price is…
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Coinbase listing effect on price [ANALYSIS]

I thought I'd do an overview of the recent historical price trends of projects being added to Coinbase in light of a (high market cap platform) opening for trading later today. This is by no means an exhaustive deep dive, and if you feel I've missed something important then feel free to add it as…
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