Author: dfmines

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Daily Discussion – March 7, 2021 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read…
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Common misunderstandings about tokenomics

I keep seeing people seemingly not understanding these things: The cost of an individual token is mostly irrelevant, what matters is diluted market cap not token price. XRP at $0.50 is not cheap compared to LTC at $180 USD. Actually LTC is significantly cheaper than XRP in terms of how much % of the total…
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Crypto is solving real world problems it wasn’t meant to solve (and that is an amazing thing)

I can't even count how many posts I've seen with people saying "I've quit smoking so I could have more money to invest in crypto!" To some that many not seem like a big deal, but as a person who has lost loved ones to lung and esophageal cancer, on some level it warms my…
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NFT — Lets have a serious talk, a lot of you don’t seem to understand what they are.

A lot of people are treating NFT like they ARE the asset they represent instead of what they really are and have been since the crypto kitty days when they were first convinced. This is a fundamentally wrong way of using them. Yes, you could theoretically store an image or a small bit of text…
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Ethereum Hard Fork. Does this mean all ERC-20 tokens will duplicate? Or just the Ethereum token?

If ethereum goes through a hard fork in july, what happens to all the ERC-20 tokens? Are they going to split in two across both chains as well? Will uniswap get cloned across both blockchains too? I'm just trying to wrap my head around the hard fork Bitcoin hard forks produced new coins like Bcash…
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Just exchanged my moons into 700$

The process was quite tough, but the idea that you can get so much money just because you share meaningful information blows my mind. (I'm originally from the place where this amount is 2-3 average salaries) I really believe that decentralization and right for vote should bring us something meaningful. Having ways to encourage others,…
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How to create a warning on top of an address in Etherscan?

Today I came across this while reading about Cream Hack I wonder how this warning is created? submitted by /u/nightless_hunter [link] [comments]

How will EIP-1559 lower fees?

From what I understand, the current auction fee system will be replaced by a variable base fee which will be burned, plus an optional "tip" for the miners. This would incentive miners to choose the blocks with the higher tips. How is this different from the current auction system? This feels like it's basically the…
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At you can pay also with ethereum now submitted by /u/VIMBT [link] [comments]