Author: dfmines

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

zkSync 2.0: Hello Ethereum!

submitted by /u/gluk64 [link] [comments]

GPU usage dropping to 0. Newbie at mining RVN

When mining RVN with NB miner. Whenever it says "Generate new opencl kernel" the GPU usage drops to zero. I don't think it's good for my card because along with the gpu usage dropping down, the fans also spin down. It's only for like a second. How can I fix this? submitted by …
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While we all love ETH, I thought it would be fun to see what our second most invested crypto is in!

I couldn't add any more options, so if your second most isn't in there, leave a comment and let people upvote it! View Poll submitted by /u/GgWpN3rds [link] [comments]

Interested in learning Solidity to make DAPPS

submitted by /u/Red3nzo [link] [comments]

How relevant is the $900M open interest on Bitcoin options above $100K?

Pro traders have been buying ultra-bullish $100,000–$200,000 Bitcoin options, but how confident are they that these targets will be achieved?

Ethereum will be the backbone of the new internet and it’s not even started yet

Each month, another company publishes a whitepaper, claiming to have solved the scalability problems faced by Ethereum. These new blockchains claim to be better, faster, and smarter than Ethereum — they say they can handle thousands, even millions of transactions per second (TPS), have no transaction fees, and have near-instant confirmation times. This article on…
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It pains me to buy DOGE

But my mother insists….INSISTS that I buy it for my nephew on her behalf. You know, "for his future." She gave me some money to buy crypto for him (he just turned one) and said that I have to dedicate a certain amount to buy DOGE for him. So I set four limit buys, and…
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How to import Ravencoin Wallet

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling ravencore, but wont let me import wallet. Gives me a random wallet. submitted by /u/Yeomandaffodil7 [link] [comments]

Kraken Wins Bank Charter Approval

submitted by /u/anon43850 [link] [comments]