zkSync 2.0: Hello Ethereum!
submitted by /u/gluk64 [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/gluk64 [link] [comments]
When mining RVN with NB miner. Whenever it says "Generate new opencl kernel" the GPU usage drops to zero. I don't think it's good for my card because along with the gpu usage dropping down, the fans also spin down. It's only for like a second. How can I fix this? submitted by …
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I couldn't add any more options, so if your second most isn't in there, leave a comment and let people upvote it! View Poll submitted by /u/GgWpN3rds [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/AnthonyPerfetto [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/Red3nzo [link] [comments]
Pro traders have been buying ultra-bullish $100,000–$200,000 Bitcoin options, but how confident are they that these targets will be achieved?
Each month, another company publishes a whitepaper, claiming to have solved the scalability problems faced by Ethereum. These new blockchains claim to be better, faster, and smarter than Ethereum — they say they can handle thousands, even millions of transactions per second (TPS), have no transaction fees, and have near-instant confirmation times. This article on…
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But my mother insists….INSISTS that I buy it for my nephew on her behalf. You know, "for his future." She gave me some money to buy crypto for him (he just turned one) and said that I have to dedicate a certain amount to buy DOGE for him. So I set four limit buys, and…
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I tried uninstalling and reinstalling ravencore, but wont let me import wallet. Gives me a random wallet. submitted by /u/Yeomandaffodil7 [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/anon43850 [link] [comments]