Author: dfmines

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Rant: My girlfriend will not stop talking about the dip

We were recently at a party and she couldn't eat any of the cream cheese dip because she is allergic. My friend (the host) didn't know and he worked very hard making it but she is still upset. To be fair it was some good dip. submitted by /u/Aesah [link] [comments]

On the high GAS fees

Gas are insane atm. Please, make a list of decent DEXs and projects that aim ar reducing them so that everyone can benefit. I can start with Conflux/MoonSwap. You shuttle in your ETH via shuttleflow, and you have 0 GAS on the DEX. There are still few coins but it's on the rise, and it's…
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NFT Weekly Roundup: Polygon’s Sustainable Minting, Oscars NFTs, And, Yes, Poop Emoji NFTs

As another busy week comes to an end, the NFT universe witnessed many new developments. From Polygon teaming up with leading brands to unique new collectibles up for grabs – here are the top NFT news bytes of the week. Polygon to Offer A Sustainable Way of Minting NFTs NFT creation platform Cent will integrate […]

It’s Amazing How Everyone Wants to Buy The Dip Until The Dip Actually Happens

This AM, Bitcoin is down 10%, and most of the coins are trading at an over 20% discount. It's really surprising how everyone claims they want to buy cheap coins when the market drops and then fails to take action when there's a drop. I understand fears that a bear market is setting in, but…
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Solidity-IDE: looking for maintainers

I'm moving on to other projects and it's been a while already I haven't given Solidity-IDE a bit of love. I don't have the time to maintain this project anymore, so I'm looking for someone who would like to maintain the project. If you are motivated there are even some axes of improvement: Metamask integration…
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Two fundamental things you should know about crypto

EDIT: The two bullet points are your TL;DR, you fucking corn cobs. I didn’t write this for the crowd willing to refer to themselves as apes. No one has to read it. Also, it’s “speculation” from the perspective that I can’t prove what I’m saying. But it’s also based on the reality that has existed…
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Dip? I’m still up 16% over the last month, 116% over the last 3 months, 458% over the last 6 months, and 732% over the last year

Yeah.. Sure it's a dip in the current prices, but come on. If we all invested in projects we've believed in over the last few years we're not doing terribly. I do however understand how the newer investors are worried. But, I am here to tell you it's ok. When I first invested I was…
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Just bought my first .4 ETH!

This is all the money I had and was willing to lose in my investment. I got burned by doge and decided I want more stability. I hope I made the right decision! I am looking for long term where I just put my money and not worry every 5 seconds like in doge lol…
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Expert panel divided over best way to achieve diversity in crypto sector

Experts are divided over ways to balance diversity in crypto, with Rupert Colchester of IBM noting that teams should be “built right” from the ground up.

Everyone has heard this SOB story a hundred times…

submitted by /u/I_am__Jason [link] [comments]