Author: dfmines

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Trader Confesses Cryptocurrency Addiction Led to Criminal Charges, Hospital Treatment

A British man has shared his story of how his cryptocurrency addiction has led to criminal charges and landed him in a hospital for addiction treatment. He lost more than a million dollars of other people’s money trying to duplicate his previous success in cryptocurrency trading. Crypto Addiction on the Rise, One Hospital Is Treating […]

Can someone explain why no one knows how much EIP-1559 will burn in fees?

Everyone is speculation, but if its open source, can they not get a really good idea? i mean the avg block is 0.5 ETH in fees, (give or take) Total rewards are around 2.5 ETH . How come no one knows for sure how much its going to burn? Everything i try to google on…
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Why do we need L2 when gas is low?

Isn't the only benefit of L2s over mainnet is low gas fees? Thanks. submitted by /u/PseudoscientificLuo [link] [comments]

I Exchanged ETH to ETH(BEP20) and now everything is stuck.

Title says it all, every time I try to exchange my ETH bep20 token to anything I keep getting a message saying BNB(bep20) is not enough to pay miners. submitted by /u/static-cactus22 [link] [comments]

Video output crashes & computer becomes unresponsive when mining RVN

Over the past month when i decide to mine ravencoin, after a few minutes of mining my video output inevitably crashes and i cant do anything but to force shutdown my computer and restart. I have tried mining on several mining softwares like nanominer,Kawpow miner, Teamredminer, NBMiner but they all result in the same crashes.…
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‘Pointless but incredible'— New electric car mines crypto while it's parked

Canadian light electric vehicle manufacturer Daymak has announced an electric car that can mine Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies while parked.

List Ravencoin on Coinbase and Krakenfx – Sign Petition on submitted by /u/UnlikelyLobster7649 [link] [comments]

I can’t keep track of which Coin we hate!

So I just want to be clear. We hate ADA this week? I’ve been seeing a lot of negative post about it for upvotes but i didn’t get the memo. I thought we were still shaming everyone that said anything about DOGE. I can’t keep up with you crazy kids and your trends. submitted…
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GeForce 1050 TI mining worth it?

Ordered a mining rig and 6 – 1050 TI GPU and I’m trying to determine if this is even worthwhile with this setup? I thought it was but now I’m having some doubts based on more research – can anyone help clear this up? Thank you! submitted by /u/OtherwiseFinger974 [link] [comments]