Author: dfmines

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Why would anyone ever buy moons when they’re free from upvotes? If nobody wants to buy them, how can we ever sell our moons?

I’m trying to understand the moon token economy. I don’t get how it can possibly have actual monetary value when you can get them for free for upvotes. Is there anything you can do with moons besides sell them for another currency? I assume if we’re selling our moons for another currency somebody else is…
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Daily Discussion – June 3, 2021 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read…
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Prysmatic Labs Releases Important Update on Eth2 Development

submitted by /u/Mars_chego [link] [comments]

Goldman Sachs: Bitcoin Is an Alternative Inflation Hedge to Copper, Not Gold

Goldman Sachs’ head of commodities research says bitcoin is more like copper as a hedge against inflation than gold. He explained that they are both “risk-on” inflation hedges whereas gold is a “risk off” asset. Bitcoin Is More Like Copper Than Gold as Inflation Hedge The global head of commodities research at Goldman Sachs, Jeff […]

Start Yield Farming with your Ethermine Payouts on Polygon

submitted by /u/Banshee– [link] [comments]

Arbitrum has been released, but where is it?

Is there any application we can use? submitted by /u/trippyreading [link] [comments]

What percentage of ETH staked in 2.0 will make the network secure? Right now only 4-5% is staked….

I have searched online for this answer but have trouble finding anything concrete. How does Ethereum plan on getting people to stake to secure the network? I’m finding it hard to believe that 2.0 will come anytime soon given how little people are interested in locking up their ETH funds. Is the lockup only temporary?…
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Investors cautiously re-enter crypto funds while ETH vehicles show strength

Investors like the looks of proof-of-stake coins, while Ethereum leads the way.

Analyst says Bitcoin could see ‘a smaller drawdown and a quicker bottom'

Bitcoin bulls fell short of flipping the $38,000 level to support, and one analyst said on-chain data signals that BTC could see “a smaller drawdown.”